
WHO = World Health Organization

WCHD = Women and Child Health Department
MoH = Ministry of Health
NAP = National AIDS Program
NHP = National Health Plan
NNC = National Nutrition Center
NGO = Non Governmental Organization
BHS = Basic Health Staff
TMO = Township Medical Officer
SHU = Station Hospital Unit
SMO = Station Medical Officer
MCH = Maternal and Child Health
RHC = Rural Health Centre
MC = Main Centre
SC = Sub Centre
HA(1) = Health Assistant (1)
TCHN = Township Community Health Nurse
THN = Township Health Nurse
HA = Health Assistant
PHS (1) = Public Health Supervisor (1)
LHV = Lady Health Visitor
MW = Midwife 😍😍😍
PHS (2) = Public Health Supervisor
AMW = Auxiliary Midwife
CHW = Community Health Worker
NIDs = National Immunization Days
EPI = Expanded Programme on Immunization
BCG = Bacillus Calmette -Guerin
Penta = Pentavalent Vaccine
OPV = Oral Poliomyolits Vaccine
IPV = Inactivated Polio Vaccine
PCV = Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
HepB = Hepatitis B Expanded Programme on
MR = Measles and Rubella Vaccine
MSL = Measles Vaccine
Td = Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine
VVM = Vaccine Vial Monitor
WPV = Wild Polio Virus
AEFI = Adverse Events Following Immunization
AFP = Acute Flaccid Paralysis
DF = Deep Freezer
HMIS = Health Management Information System
HSS = Health System Strengthening
DMR = Department of Medica Research
ORT = Oral Rehydration Therapy
ORS = Oral Rehydration Solution
MDG = Millennium Development Goal
MMCWA = Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association
PMCT = Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
#Credit to Azadalin Lin ☺

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