ေဖ့ဘုတ္ID အေကာင့္ဖြင့္နည္း

ေဖ့ဘုတ္ အေကာင့္ေတြ ခနခနပ်က္ေနလို႔
IDအေကာက္ ဘယ္လိုဖြင့္ရလဲ ေမးထားတဲ့
ြအတြက္ တင္ေပးလိုက္ ပါတယ္ ျဆာေတြေက်ာ္သြားေပးပါ
အခုေနာက္ Link ပါ

ID My name is…….
ID My First Name is……
ID My Middle Name…….
ID My Last Name is………
ID My date of birth is.—.—–=.19—

Please reopen, and return my account.
My facebook account, please give.
Do not want to change the name, please give me the right to continue to use the name they are using now. Now the real name My friends known.
My facebook custom facebook profile name to be allowed to reset the current name and recycled Facebook respective adults and staff to help Myanmar to be allowed to register and jointly respectfully submitted request for appeal.
I will proved that name is my real name according to my Nationality Identity Card from Myanmar. Please help me,my daer lovely facebook community Team.
Thank you very much for your help.

Browserမွာ ေရးမ႐ွာခ်င္ရင္ ေပးထားတဲ့ linkကို copy ယူၿပီး Noteတစ္ခုမွာခ်ၿပီးသြားလိုက္

အဆင္ေျပ ပါေစ

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